martes, 12 de diciembre de 2006

Wild Style OST [1982]

1. Military Cut [Scratch Mix]
2. M.C. Battle
3. Basketball Throwdown - Fantasstic Freaks
4. Fantastic Freaks at the Dixie - Master Rob
5. Subway Theme [#] - Fred Brathwaite
6. Cold Crush Bros. At the Dixie - Easy AD
7. Cuckoo Clocking [#] - Fred Brathwaite
8. Stop Rap - Lil Rodney Cee9. Double Trouble at the Amphitheatre - Fred Brathwaite
10. South Bronx Subway Rap [Original Mix] - Grandmaster Caz
11. Street Rap [Original Mix][#] - Busy Bee
12. Chief Rocker Busy Bee, D.J. A.J. At the Amphitheatre - Busy Bee
13. Gangbusters Scratch Mix14. Rammellzee and Shock Deli at the Amptheatre - Grandmixer D.ST15. Down by Law [#] - Fab 5 Freddy
16. Wild Style Theme Rap 1 [*] - Chris Stein
17. Wild Style Subway Rap 2 [*] - Chris Stein
volviendo un poko alos viejos tiempos :D
link de descarga:

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